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The Neelin-Zeng Quasi-Equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model (QTCM1), developed at the UCLA Department of Atmospheric Sciences by J. David Neelin and Ning Zeng [1, 2], is an intermediate-level atmospheric model that assumes the atmosphere is in a state of ``quasi-equilibrium.'' By quasi-equilibrium, we mean that the changes in energy at the large-scales are roughly balanced by changes in energy associated with small-scale convective activity. Thus, the vertical profiles of temperature are assumed to be ``defined'' by a ``reference'' profile; the model will restore departures from that profile back to the reference profile.

The assumption of quasi-equilibrium is valid in the tropical deep convective regions, where the atmosphere is unstable and highly convective throughout the tropospheric column. Away from the deep tropics, dry dynamics predominate, and the quasi-equilibrium assumption is generally no longer valid. However, because the QTCM1 provides a robust treatment of the moist dynamics that dominate in the tropics, the QTCM1 should also provide a reasonable description of atmospheric dynamics in areas where quasi-equilibrium does not locally apply, up to approximately one Rossby radius away from the tropics.

The QTCM1 does not divide the atmosphere into multiple vertical layers as most general circulation models do, but rather uses a Galerkin-like representation of vertical structure, with the assumption of quasi-equilibrium. This reduces the dynamical system to as few a number of degrees of freedom as possible, consistent with a realistic simulation of climate. This gains simplicity and dramatically cuts computational time. The current version takes approximately 5 minutes of CPU time to run one year of model simulation on a SUN Ultra2 workstation.

The current version of the model includes the following major features:

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Johnny Wei-Bing Lin
Wed Aug 26 16:58:31 PDT 1998