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Horizontal Viscosity

An explicit viscosity diffusion is included in the model through variables viscx and viscy (set in subroutine DriveInit). As in GCMs this crudely parameterizes non-resolved eddy motion and helps keep numerics stable. For moisture q, the viscosity set separately through variables viscxq and viscyq, which are larger than viscx and viscy. The larger coefficient for moisture is partly a numerical consideration, since the model sometimes produces very sharp convergence zones. Physically, we note that the model has less high frequency motion that might act like a diffusion in moisture, while temperature is in any case spread horizontally by wave dynamics. This viscosity is equivalent to the tex2html_wrap_inline1541 coefficient in the advection-diffusion operators (e.g. equation 5.11 and 5.12 in Neelin and Zeng [1]), with one subtle difference. In the model, instead of making tex2html_wrap_inline1541 isotropic, tex2html_wrap_inline1541 is specified separately for the x and y-directions. Thus, the diffusion term tex2html_wrap_inline1551 is actually represented as tex2html_wrap_inline1553 in the model.

Hui Su
Thu Nov 16 00:53:31 PST 2000