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Model Input Parameters

Below is an explanation of the user-controlled variables in the models input file Default values for these user-controlled variables are defined in the subroutine DriverInit in driver.f90:

Path and name of the directory containing the boundary condition datasets. See Section 2.4.1 for details.
Path and name of the directory containing the SST datasets. See Section 2.4.1 for details.
Path and name of the directory to which the output data will be written. See Section 2.4.2 for details.
Short string used in the output filename.
Land-interactive indicator: landon=1 (the default) means land is interactive. Other values of landon mean the land is treated like ocean with a fake SST provided from the SST files. Since an interactive land has more freedom, it is more prone to numerical instability in the spin-up process, and it has spin-up time longer than the atmosphere by several months. You may never encounter this problem. Our recommendation is to run the model with land ``off'' for the first time ( is set with such a setting), or use the default file qtcm.restart.
Model running mode: Affects how SST is fetched and how solartop evolves. Variable is an alphanumeric string. There are three mode options:
year0, month0, day0
Starting date for the model (note year0 includes the millennium and century). For perpetual and seasonal cases, year0 can be any value between 1 and 9998. However, note that year0 should be chosen such that during the entire length of the model run, the model year never exceeds 9998. Type INTEGER. Note: 1 year tex2html_wrap_inline2346 365 days (no leap years) in QTCM1 for standard setting. A calendar of 360 days a year can be switched on by defining the macro YEAR360 in the makefile.

Model runs from day 1 to lastday. Type INTEGER.
Ocean-atmosphere coupling interval (days). Must be greater than or equal to 1. Type INTEGER.
No output for the first noout days; useful for spin-up. Type INTEGER.
Mean output every ntout days. See Section 2.4.2 for more details. Type INTEGER. For the standard 365 day calendar ntout=-30 specifies monthly output. ntout=0 suppresses the output of averages and disables the averaging routine, which make the model about 10% faster.
Instantaneous output every ntouti days. See Section 2.4.2 for more details. Type INTEGER. ntout=-30 specifies monthly output. ntout=0 suppresses the any output of instantaneous fields.
Restart file output every ntoutr days. ntoutr=-30 monthly restart file. ntoutr=0 no restart file except at end of model run.
  Flag controlling whether to use qtcm.restart. If mrestart=1 (the default), model uses file qtcm.restart as initial condition (it is recommended to always use this option, except for the first time when you need to generate your own qtcm.restart file, together with the land off). Otherwise, the model will start from an unbalanced initial state; the spin-up time for the atmosphere is several days, and several months for land. Type INTEGER.

NB: Currently, restart using qtcm.restart is not ``perfect.'' This is because in the standard version, qtcm.restart.out does not save the atmospheric mixed layer surface winds which are use as the initial for the new winds.

Time step for the atmosphere (sec). Type REAL.
Dimensionless multiplier to set barotropic mode time step. The time step (sec) for the barotropic mode equals tex2html_wrap_inline2360 . Default value is 1. Type INTEGER.
Temperature diffusion coefficient [ tex2html_wrap_inline2362 ].
moisture diffusion coefficient [ tex2html_wrap_inline2362 ].
Forth order velocity diffusion (``hyper-viscosity'') coefficient [ tex2html_wrap_inline2362 ].
Atmospheric mixed layer depth [m].
Atmospheric mixed layer entrainment velocity [m].
Minumum wind speed for surface flux calculation [m/s].
Mode 1 velocity projection coefficient at the top of mixed layer [m/s].
arr1name, tex2html_wrap_inline2370 , arr8name
Auxiliary array names for output. There are 8 auxiliary arrays named arr1, tex2html_wrap_inline2370 ,arr8. These arrays are include in the output if the cor responding arrXname is set. The structure of the arrXname string has to be ``variable name'', one or more spaces,

Below is a sample of the user-controlled parameters section from a model execution script (e.g.

 title='A QTCM test run'
 lastday = 61
 ntouti=-30                            ! monthly instantaneous data output
 ! default values set in driverInit:
 ! ---------------------------------
 !  title='QTCM default title'          ! A descriptive title
 !  bnddir='../bnddata'                 ! bnd. data other than SST
 !  SSTdir='../bnddata/SST_Reynolds' ! where SST files are
 !  outdir='../proc/qtcm_output'        ! where output go
 !  runname='runname'                   ! string used to create an output filename
 !  landon=1                            ! if not 1: land is like ocean with fake 'SST'
 !  SSTmode='seasonal'                  ! decide what kind of SST to use
 !  year0 = -1                          ! starting year if <0 use year in restart file
 !  month0 = -1                         ! starting month if <0 use month in restart file
 !  day0 = -1                           ! -1 and mrestart=1: Use date saved in the restart file
 !  lastday = 365 !(for YEAR360: 360)   ! last day of integration
 !  interval = 1                        ! coupling interval
 !  noout=0                             ! no output for the first noout days
 !  ntout=-30                           ! monthly mean output
 !  ntouti=0                            ! monthly instantaneous data output
 !  ntoutr=0                            ! restart file only at end of model simulation
 !  nooutr=0                            ! Days to skip before writing restart files.
 !  mrestart=1                          ! =1: restart using qtcm.restart
 !  dt=1200.                            ! time step [seconds]
 !  mt0=1                               ! barotropic timestep every mt0 timesteps
 !  viscT=12.0e5                        ! temperature diffusion parameter [m^s/s]
 !  viscQ=12.0e5                        ! moisture diffusion parameter [m^s/s]
 !  viscU=7.0e5                         ! viscocity parameter [m^s/s]
 !  ziml=400                            ! Atmos. Mixed layer depth [m]
 !  weml=0.02                           ! Mixed layer entrainment velocity [m]
 !  Wsmin=4.5                          ! Minumum wind speed for flux calculation [m/s]
 !  V1b=-0.2204077                      ! V1 projection coeffcicient at top of mixed layer
 !  arr1name='?'                        ! Auxiliary output array names 1...8
 !  arr2name='?'                        !='?' Array not included in output.
 !  arr3name='?'
 !  arr4name='?'
 !  arr5name='?'
 !  arr6name='?'
 !  arr7name='?'
 !  arr8name='?'
 ! Example:
 ! arr1name='dps1dx Mode 1 contribution to dpsdx [m/s^2]'

This sample defines a run using monthly climatological SST as forcing ending after 59 days. Land acts like an ocean with interpolated SST, no ``spin-up'' file is used for initial conditions.

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Climate Systems Interaction Group
Sun Aug 25 00:58:46 PDT 2002