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Model Physics Parameters Files


The file qtcmpar.f90 (in src) contains the value of various physical parameters used by the model. The program that generates many of these parameters, par.f90, is provided but is not easy to use, since some parameters have subtle physical and numerical properties. We don't recommend modifying most parameters unless you are quite familiar with the model.

Below is a brief description of some of the categories of variables described in qtcmpar.f90:

  1. Variables a1hat, a1s, V1s, b1hat, bb1hat and b1s help describe the temperature and humidity profiles.
  2. Variables GMsr, GMsp, GMqr, GMqp, GMs0r, and GMq0r help describe the gross moist stability.
  3. eps_c is used in our version of the Betts-Miller [17, 18, 19] convective parameterization.
  4. CV0 is related to the neutral drag coefficient. See subroutine sflux in qtcm.f90 for more details.
  5. Variables eps_0, eps_10, eps_01, and eps_1 are related to momentum damping. These parameters are obsolete.
  6. Tsref is the reference surface temperature.
  7. Cpg converts heat flux into column heating rate.
  8. Parameters Trefs, qrefs, Tcrefs, qcrefs, Trefhat, qrefhat, Tcrefhat, and qcrefhat are related to the reference atmospheric profile.
  9. Parameters Vijk, Vwijk, DTijk, and Dqijk are coefficients for advection of momentum, temperature and moisture.

The figure below gives a reproduction of the file. Chapter 4 gives a fuller discussion of the physics behind the variables in this file. Section 3.4.2 relates model variables with the variables given in the QTCM1 main papers [1, 2].

Module Qtcmpar
  ! QTCM mode parameter, generated by par.F90
  Integer, Parameter  ::  &
       &       nvmod  =   2  & !  no. v-modes
       &     , nTmod  =   1  & !  no. T-modes
       &     , nz     =  10    !  vertical z-resolution for topography
  REAL, Parameter     ::  &
       &       a1hat    = 0.45934841      & ! hat{a_1}   [-] NZ (3.2)
       &     , a1phat   = 0.24520899      & ! hat{a_1^+} [-] NZ (2.16), (3.9)
       &     , a1phatb  = 0.15463794E-01 & ! average of a_1^+ over subcloud layer [-]
       &     , a1s      = 0.30203986      & ! a_{1s})     [-] NZ (5.16)
       &     , V1s      = -.24520899      & ! V_{1s}      [-] NZ (4.13)
       &     , V1sqhat  = 0.39553840E-01  & ! hat{V_1^2} [-] NZ (4.13)
       &     , b1hat    = 0.31574178      & ! hat{b_1}   [-] NZ (5.17)
       &     , b1s      =  1.0000000      & ! b_{1s}      [-] NZ (4.32)
       &     , bb1hat   = 0.37340307      & ! hat{B_1}   [-] NZ (4.26)
       &     , GMsr     =  3.5000000      & !  M_{sr}     [K]
       &     , GMsp     = 0.42756125E-01  & !  M_{sp}     [-]
       &     , GMqr     =  3.0000000      & !  M_{qr}     [K]
       &     , GMqp     = 0.50721642E-01  & !  M_{qp}     [-]
       &     , GMs0r    =  44.398193      & !             [K]
       &     , GMq0r    = -51.881908      & !             [K]
       &     , eps_c    = 0.13888889E-03  & !  [1/s]
       &     , CV0      = 0.14000000E-01  & !  reference drag coeff*velocity [m/s]
       &     , eps_0    = 0.19369413E-05  & ! [1/s]=>  6.0    [day]
       &     , eps_10   = -.47495544E-06  & ! [1/s]=> -24.    [day]
       &     , eps_01   = -.12007821E-04  & ! [1/s]=>-0.96    [day]
       &     , eps_1    = 0.29444259E-05  & ! [1/s]=>  3.9    [day]
       &     , eps_i1   = 0.89764910E-06  & ! [1/s]=>  13.    [day]
       &     , Tsref    =  302.26001      & !  surface reference temperature  for radiation [K]
       &     , Cpg      =  8708163.0      & !  conversion factor Cp*delp/gravity [J/K/m*2]
       &     , Trefs    =  302.00000      & !  surface reference temperature [K]
       &     , qrefs    =  51.955292      & !  surface reference humidity    [K]
       &     , Tcrefs   =  302.00000      & !  convective surface ref. temperature [K]
       &     , qcrefs   =  50.814919      & !  convective surface ref. humidity [K]
       &     , Trefhat  =  267.77045      & !  mean reference temperature [K]
       &     , qrefhat  =  16.404453      & !  mean reference humidity [K]
       &     , Tcrefhat =  268.98325      & !  [K]
       &     , qcrefhat =  16.159267        !  [K]
  ! advection coefficients
  REAL, Parameter, Dimension(nvmod**3) ::  &
       &    Vijkt = (/   1.0000000    , 0.0000000       & ! Vijk(:,0,0)
       &              ,  0.0000000    ,0.39553840E-01   & ! Vijk(:,1,0)
       &              ,  0.0000000    , 1.0000000       & ! Vijk(:,0,1)
       &              ,  1.0000000    ,0.11134213    /) & ! Vijk(:,1,1)
       &  , Vwijkt = (/   0.0000000    , 0.0000000      & ! Vwijk(:,0,0)
       &             , 0.24520901    ,0.39485272E-01    & ! Vwijk(:,1,0)
       &             ,  0.0000000    , 0.0000000        & ! Vwijk(:,0,1)
       &             , -.26275271    ,0.55228624E-01/)    ! Vwijk(:,1,1)

  REAL, parameter, dimension(nvmod*nTmod**2) ::  &
       &    DTijkt = (/   1.0000000    ,0.68461813E-01  /)  & ! DTijk(:,1,1)
       &  , Dqijkt = (/   1.0000000    ,-.16064279      /)    ! Dqijk(:,1,1)

  REAL, Parameter, Dimension(nz) ::  &
       & V1z = (/ -.24520899    , -.21125591    , -.17568490    , -.13640948    , -.92673302E-01   &
       & , -.43544598E-01, 0.12078471E-01, 0.75964749E-01, 0.14977413    , 0.23455063     /)
  REAL, Parameter, Dimension(5) ::   & ! a1p  at 1000, 950, 900, 850, 800 mb
       & a1p = (/  0.0000000    , 0.15051006E-01, 0.30990627E-01, 0.47977556E-01, 0.66651829E-01 /)
End Module Qtcmpar

Module T1cTableIn
  ! Profile for nonlinear T1c lookup table
  Integer, Parameter :: np=          11
  REAL, Parameter, Dimension(4*np) ::  table= (/&
      !          p [HPa]  ,     alpha [-]   ,    Tsat [K]  ,     a1 [-]
       &     1000.0000    , 0.85000002    , 302.00000    ,0.30203986    ,   &
       &     950.00000    , 0.83529413    , 297.64838    ,0.29764515    ,   &
       &     900.00000    , 0.82058823    , 293.08527    ,0.29308209    ,   &
       &     850.00000    , 0.80588239    , 291.01846    ,0.30323407    ,   &
       &     800.00000    , 0.79117650    , 288.79773    ,0.31495300    ,   &
       &     700.00000    , 0.76176476    , 283.78235    ,0.34451482    ,   &
       &     600.00000    , 0.73235297    , 277.72491    ,0.38630152    ,   &
       &     500.00000    , 0.70294118    , 270.06317    ,0.44864288    ,   &
       &     400.00000    , 0.67352945    , 259.69208    ,0.54513776    ,   &
       &     300.00000    , 0.64411765    , 244.30972    ,0.67801291    ,   &
       &     200.00000    , 0.61470592    , 219.90631    ,0.74564534        /)
End Module T1cTableIn

Climate Systems Interaction Group
Sun Aug 25 00:58:46 PDT 2002