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QTCM Approach

All QTCM versions are derived from the nonlinear primitive equations






where temperature T and specific humidity q are in energy units, tex2html_wrap_inline3060 are the long-wave radiative fluxes depending on T, q and cloudiness over the column, and surface temperature tex2html_wrap_inline2506 . Shortwave fluxes S are positive downward. The operators tex2html_wrap_inline3070 , tex2html_wrap_inline3072 and tex2html_wrap_inline3074 include horizontal diffusion and horizontal advection terms. The vertical fluxes of sensible heat and moisture by nonconvective, diffusive transport, tex2html_wrap_inline3076 and tex2html_wrap_inline3078 , and stress tex2html_wrap_inline3080 , vanish at the top and have drag laws at the surface for tex2html_wrap_inline3082 , evaporation E, and tex2html_wrap_inline3086 . The hydrostatic equation has been used for baroclinic pressure gradients in the momentum equation (5.3), where tex2html_wrap_inline3088 is the geopotential at the lowest pressure level tex2html_wrap_inline3090 . tex2html_wrap_inline3092 is surface elevation, tex2html_wrap_inline3094 is surface pressure, tex2html_wrap_inline3096 is atmospheric near-surface density, and tex2html_wrap_inline3098 has been neglected.

An important subsidiary relation that holds for all convective parameterizations is the ``convective heating'' and ``moistening'' terms tex2html_wrap_inline3100 and tex2html_wrap_inline3102 cannot change the vertically integrated moist static energy budget, i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline3104 or


where tex2html_wrap_inline3106 , tex2html_wrap_inline3108 , absorbing tex2html_wrap_inline3110 into all fluxes for brevity, and tex2html_wrap_inline3112 denotes vertical averaging over the troposphere, from the surface, tex2html_wrap_inline3094 , to the tropopause, tex2html_wrap_inline3116 .

Climate Systems Interaction Group
Sun Aug 25 00:58:46 PDT 2002