QTCM referenced publications for:
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Last updated 01/08/10

Sugiyama, M., 2009: The Moisture Mode in the Quasi-Equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model. Part II: Nonlinear Behavior on an Equatorial β Plane. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 66(6): 1525. Find this article online.

Tu J, P. Tan, C. Chou, L. Huang, L. Tseng, 2009: Annual Cycle of Rainfall in the Western North Pacific and East Asian Sector. Journal of Climate 22(8): 2073. Find this article online.

Lintner B. R. and J. C. Chiang, 2007: Adjustment of the Remote Tropical Climate to El Niño Conditions. Journal of Climate 20(11): 2544. Find this article online.

Newman, M., P. D. Sardeshmukh, C. Penland, 2009: How Important Is Air–Sea Coupling in ENSO and MJO Evolution?. Journal of Climate 22(11): 2958. Find this article online. Hartmann, D. L., 2007: The Atmospheric General Circulation and Its Variability. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 85b(): 123. Find this article online. Gettelman, A. and Q. Fu, 2008: Observed and Simulated Upper-Tropospheric Water Vapor Feedback. Journal of Climate 21(13): 3282. Find this article online.

Bellon, G., A. Sobel, 2008: Poleward-Propagating Intraseasonal Monsoon Disturbances in an Intermediate-Complexity Axisymmetric Model. J. Atmos. Sci., 65(2), 470. Find this article online.

Lee, M., D. Kim, I. Kang, D. M. Frierson, J. Lin, 2008: The Impacts of Convective Parameterization and Moisture Triggering on AGCM-Simulated Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves. J. Clim., 21(5), 883. Find this article online.

Haertel, P. T., G. N. Kiladis, A. Denno, T. M. Rickenbach, 2008: Vertical-Mode Decompositions of 2-Day Waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 65(3), 813. Find this article online.

Khouider, B., A. J. Majda, 2008: Multicloud Models for Organized Tropical Convection: Enhanced Congestus Heating. J. Atmos. Sci., 65(3), 895. Find this article online.

Bellon, G., A. J. Sobel, 2008: Instability of the axisymmetric monsoon flow and intraseasonal oscillation. J. Geophys. Res., 113(d7), D07108. Find this article online.

Lintner B. R. and J. C. Chiang, 2007: Adjustment of the Remote Tropical Climate to El Niño Conditions. Journal of Climate 20(11): 2544. Find this article online.

Lintner, B. R. and J. D. Neelin, 2007: A prototype for convective margin shifts. Geophysical Research Letters 34(5): L05812. Find this article online.

Hartmann, D. L., 2007: The Atmospheric General Circulation and Its Variability. J. Met. Soc. of Jap. 85b: 123. Find this article online.

Blossey, P. N,  Bretherton CS,  Cetrone J,Kharoutdinov M, 2007: Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations of KWAJEX: Model Sensitivities and Comparisons with Satellite and Radar Observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 64(5), 1488. Find this article online.

Frierson, D. M., 2007: The Dynamics of Idealized Convection Schemes and Their Effect on the Zonally Averaged Tropical Circulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 64(6), 1959. Find this article online.

Frierson, D. M., 2007: Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in an Idealized Moist General Circulation Model. J. Atmos. Sci., 64(6), 2076. Find this article online.

Lintner, B. R., J. C. Chiang, 2007: Adjustment of the Remote Tropical Climate to El Nino Conditions. J. Clim., 20(11), 2544. Find this article online.

Chou, C., M. Lo, 2007: Asymmetric Responses of Tropical Precipitation during ENSO. J. Clim., 20(14), 3411. Find this article online.

Mariotti, A., 2007: How ENSO impacts precipitation in southwest central Asia. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(16), L16706. Find this article online.

Chou, C., J. Tu, P. Tan, 2007: Asymmetry of tropical precipitation change under global warming. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(17), L17708. Find this article online.

Sobel, A. H., Bellon G., J. Bacmeister, 2007: Multiple equilibria in a single-column model of the tropical atmosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(22), L22804. Find this article online.

Khouider, B., A. J. Majda, 2007: A Simple Multicloud Parameterization for Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves. Part II: Nonlinear Simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 64(2), 381. Find this article online.

Illig, S, D. Gushchina, B. Dewitte B., N. Ayoub N., Y. du Penhoat, 2006: The 1996 equatorial Atlantic warm event: Origin and mechanisms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(9), L09701. Find this article online.

Khouider, B., A. J. Majda, 2006: A Simple Multicloud Parameterization for Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves. Part I: Linear Analysis. J. Atmos. Sci., 63(4), 1308. Find this article online.

Reznik, G. M., Zeitlin V., 2006: Resonant Excitation of Rossby Waves in the Equatorial Waveguide and their Nonlinear Evolution. Phy. Rev. Lett., 96(3), 034502. Find this article online.

Fung, I., P. Friedlingstein, P. Cox, R. Betts, L. Bopp, W. von Bloh, V. Brovkin, P. Cadule, S. Doney, M. Eby, 2006: Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedback Analysis: Results from the C4MIP Model Intercomparison. J. Clim., 19(14), 3337. Find this article online.

Burns, S. P., A. H. Sobel, L. M. Polvani, 2006: Asymptotic solutions of the axisymmetric moist Hadley circulation in a model with two vertical modes. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 20(5-6), 443. Find this article online.

Back, L.E., C. S. Bretherton, 2006: Geographic variability in the export of moist static energy and vertical motion profiles in the tropical Pacific. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33(17), L17810. Find this article online.

Khouider, B., A. J. Majda, 2006: Multicloud Convective Parametrizations with Crude Vertical Structure. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 20(5-6), 351. Find this article online.

Stechmann, S. N., A. J. Majda, 2006: The Structure of Precipitation Fronts for Finite Relaxation Time. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 20(5-6), 377. Find this article online.

Bretherton, C. S., P. N. Blossey, M. E. Peters, 2006: Interpretation of simple and cloud-resolving simulations of moist convection-radiation interaction with a mock-Walker circulation. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 20(5-6), 421. Find this article online.

Illig, S., B. Dewitte B., 2006: Local Coupled Equatorial Variability versus Remote ENSO Forcing in an Intermediate Coupled Model of the Tropical Atlantic. J. Clim., 19(20), 5227. Find this article online.

Lintner, B. R.,Chiang J. C., 2005: Reorganization of Tropical Climate during El Nino: A Weak Temperature Gradient Approach. J. Clim., 18(24), 5312. Find this article online.

Bretherton, C. S., Blossey P. N., Khairoutdinov M., 2005: An Energy-Balance Analysis of Deep Convective Self-Aggregation above Uniform SST. J. Atmos. Sci., 62(12), 4273. Find this article online.

Su, H.,, 2005: Dynamical mechanisms for African monsoon changes during the mid-Holocene. J. Geophys. Res., 110(d19), D19105. Find this article online.

Peters, M. E., C. S. Bretherton, 2005: A Simplified Model of the Walker Circulation with an Interactive Ocean Mixed Layer and Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks. J. Clim., 18(20), 4216. Find this article online.

Back, L. E., C. S. Bretherton, 2005: The Relationship between Wind Speed and Precipitation in the Pacific ITCZ. J. Clim., 18(20), 4317. Find this article online.

Khouider, B., A. J. Majda, 2005: A non-oscillatory balanced scheme for an idealized tropical climate model. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 19(5), 331. Find this article online.

Khouider, B., A. J. Majda, 2005: A non-oscillatory balanced scheme for an idealized tropical climate model. Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn., 19(5), 355. Find this article online.

Chiang, J. C., B. R. Lintner, 2005: Mechanisms of Remote Tropical Surface Warming during El Nino. J. Clim., 18(20), 4130. Find this article online.

Biello J. A., A. J. Majda, 2004: The Effect of Meridional and Vertical Shear on the Interaction of Equatorial Baroclinic and Barotropic Rossby Waves. Stud. in App. Math., 112(4), 341. Find this article online.

Maloney, E. D., A. J. Sobel, 2004: Surface Fluxes and Ocean Coupling in the Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation. J. Clim., 17(22), 4368. Find this article online.

Zeng N., 2004: How strong is carbon cycle-climate feedback under global warming?. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(20), L20203. Find this article online.

Majda, A. J., B. Khouider, G. N. Kiladis, K. H. Straub, M. G. Shefter, 2004: A Model for Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves: Nonlinearity, Rotation, and Comparison with Observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 61(17), 2188. Find this article online.

Bretherton, C. S., M. E. Peters, L. E. Back, 2004: Relationships between Water Vapor Path and Precipitation over the Tropical Oceans. J. Clim., 17(7), 1517. Find this article online.

Chou, C., 2004: Establishment of the Low-Level Wind Anomalies over the Western North Pacific during ENSO Development*. J. Clim., 17(11), 2195. Find this article online.

Chou, C., 2003: Establishment of the low-level wind anomalies over the western North Pacific during ENSO development. J. Climate. 17(11), 2195.

Zhang, G. J., 2003: Convective quasi-equilibrium in the tropical western Pacific: Comparison with midlatitude continental environment. J. Geophys. Res., 108(d19), 4592. Find this article online.

Gildor, H., 2003: A role for ocean biota in tropical intraseasonal atmospheric variability. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(9), 1460. Find this article online.

Sobel, A. H., H. Gildor, 2003: A Simple Time-Dependent Model of SST Hot Spots. J. Clim., 16(23), 3978. Find this article online.

Labarbe, P. and B DeWitte, 2003: El El Ni–o teleconnections in the Northern tropical Atlantic ocean. Report:IRD Institut de recherche pour le developpement.

Sobel, A. H., 2002: Water vapor as an active scalar in tropical atmospheric dynamics. Chaos Interdisc. J. of Nonlinear Sci. 12(2), 451. Find this article online.

Dijkstra, H. A., G. Burgers, 2002: Fluid Dynamics of El Nino Variability. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 34(1), 531. Find this article online.

Zhang, G. J., 2002: Convective quasi-equilibrium in midlatitude continental environment and its effect on convective parameterization. J. Geophys. Res., 107(d14), 4220. Find this article online.

Sobel, A. H., J. Nilsson, and L. M. Polvani, 2001: The weak temperature gradient approximation and balanced tropical moisture waves. J. Atm. Sci., 58, 3650-3665.

Sobel, A. H. and C. S. Bretherton, 2000: Modeling Tropical precipitation in a single column. J. Climate, 13, 4378-4392.