- What's new in QTCM1 version 2.3
- Released August 2002.
Changes in code structure:
- The code is adapted to Fortran-90.
- All common blocks are replaced by modules.
- Example makefiles for different platforms are provided.
- With the simple atmospheric mixed layer the
surface stress no longer relates to the resolved winds by a simple
linear formula. Therefore the damping parameters
(equations (4.33) (4.34) and (5.15) in [2]) have been
replaced by the corresponding surface stress terms (equations (4.12) and (4.13)
in [2]). - Stress taux,tauy components are computed on u, v grids,
respectively. Previously
etc terms related to stress
were used in the time marching on u, v grids while the arrays taux, tauy
were diagnostic calculated for output on the T grid.
- The order of the indices of the cloud fraction variable
was changed from ``lon, lat, cld-type'' to
``cld-type, lon, lat''.
- The output routines are rewritten. GrADS control files
for the binary output files are automatically generated.
- Adding (removing) an output variable now only
requires adding (removing) one subroutine call.
- The scripts to run the model are modified so that multiple
runs can be made simultaneously.
To this end each run is executed in a separate subdirectory of directory
- The interval to write restart files can now be specified.
- Subroutines to diagnose surface pressure and
its derivatives are added.
- When the model blows up, the instantaneous values of standard
variables are output for diagnosis and the monthly means for the last
month before blowing up are also written.
- The prognostic variable arrays are dimensioned as (nx,0:ny+1)
to avoid out-of-bounds access of memory which led to errors
on some computers (e.g., IBM-AIX).
- Added
and nooutr
to the input para
meters to specify time in days between restart files and days to
to specify time in days between restart files and days to
skip before starting to write a restart file. Default write interval
is one year.
- The restart file output names now include are changed to
- The front-end solvers for the FATD package are in
qtcm.f90 (used to be in fatdpkg.f). The old front-end solvers for
Cartesian Coordinates are deleted. Users can refer to v2.2 or older
versions for these or set
- New preprocessor macros are
- Enable radiation code to use a
non-s standard CO
- Include topography effects due to barotropic divergence.
- Use mixed layer ocean.
- Use readsst in mask regions and
mixed layer ocean outside.
- Switch off vertical advection terms.
- Switch off atmospheric boundary layer.
- Use ISCCP observed cloud cover
- Enable sponge regions.
- Diagnose velocity potential using
irrotational winds.
- Create initial condition files
for ensemble runs.