Hsin-hsin Syu and J. David Neelin
Climate Dynamics, 16, 35-48, 2000.
Paper (PDF 561Kb) © Copyright 2000 Springer.
Abstract. A hybrid coupled model (HCM) for the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere system is used to test the effects of physical parameterizations on ENSO simulation. The HCM consists of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory ocean general circulation model coupled to an empirical atmospheric model based on the covariance matrix of observed SST and wind stress anomaly fields. In this two-part paper, Part I describes the effects of ocean vertical mixing schemes and atmospheric spin-up time on ENSO period. Part II addresses ENSO prediction using the HCM and examines the impact of initialization schemes.
The standard version of the HCM exhibits spatial and temporal evolution that compare well to observations, with irregular cycles that tend to exhibit 3- and 4-year frequency-locking behavior. Effects in the vertical mixing parameterization that produce stronger mixing in the surface layer give a longer inherent ENSO period, suggesting model treatment of vertical mixing is crucial to the ENSO problem. Although the atmospheric spin-up time scale is short compared to ENSO time scales, it also has a significant effect in lengthening the ENSO period. This suggests that atmospheric time scales may not be truly negligible in quantitative ENSO theory. Overall, the form and evolution mechanism of the ENSO cycle is robust, even though the period is affected by these physical parameterizations.
Citation. Syu, H.-H. and J. D. Neelin, 2000: ENSO in a hybrid coupled model. Part I: sensitivity to physical parameterizations. Climate Dynamics, 16, 35-48.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported in part by National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration grant NA56GP-0451 and National
Science Foundation grant ATM-9521389.