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The Main Initial Papers on the QTCM

Neelin, J. D., and N. Zeng, 1997: The first quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model--formulation. In preparation for J. Atmos. Sci.

Zeng, N., J. D. Neelin, and C. Chou, 1997: The first quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model--simulation. In preparation for J. Atmos. Sci.

Other Papers With Relevance to the QTCM

Chou, C., 1997: Simplified Radiation and Convection Treatments for Large-Scale Tropical Atmospheric Modeling. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles. 215 pp.

Chou, C., and J. D. Neelin, 1996: Linearization of a long-wave radiation scheme for intermediate tropical atmospheric models. J. Geophys. Res., 101, 15129-15145.

Chou, C., and J. D. Neelin, 1997: Cloudiness and radiation paramterizations for intermediate tropical atmospheric models. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Climate Variations (Climate 7), 2-7 February, 1997, Long Beach, California, Amer. Met. Soc., pp. 253-256.

Neelin, J. D., 1997: Implications of convective quasi-equilbrium for the large-scale flow. In The Physics and Parameterization of Moist Atmospheric Convection. Ed. R. K. Smith, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, The Netherlands.

Neelin, J. D., and J.-Y. Yu, 1994: Modes of tropical variability under convective adjustment and the Madden-Julian oscillation. Part I: Analytical results. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 1876-1894.

Neelin, J. D., and N. Zeng, 1997: The simplest quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model--formulation. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Climate Variations (Climate 7), 2-7 February, 1997, Long Beach, California, Amer. Met. Soc., pp. 4-7.

Yu, J.-Y., C. Chou and J. D. Neelin, 1996: Estimating the gross moist stability of the tropical atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., in press.

Yu, J.-Y., and J. D. Neelin, 1994: Modes of tropical variability under convective adjustment and the Madden-Julian oscillation. Part II: Numerical results. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 1895-1914.

Yu, J.-Y., and J. D. Neelin, 1997: Analytic approximations for moist convectively adjusted regions. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1054-1063.

Zeng, N., and J. D. Neelin, 1997: The simplest quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model--initial results. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Climate Variations (Climate 7), 2-7 February, 1997, Long Beach, California, Amer. Met. Soc., pp. 8-10.

Other References

Arakawa, A., and W. H. Schubert, 1974: Interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with the large-scale environment, Part I. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 674-701.

Betts, A. K., 1986: A new convective adjustment scheme. Part I: Observational and theoretical basis. Quart. J. R. Met. Soc., 112, 677-691.

Betts, A. K., and M. J. Miller, 1986: A new convective adjustment scheme. Part II: Single column tests using GATE wave, BOMEX, ATEX and arctic air-mass data sets. Quart. J. R. Met. Soc., 112, 693-709.

Betts, A. K., and M. J. Miller, 1993: The Betts-Miller scheme. Chapter 9 in The Representation of Cumulus Convection in Numerical Models of the Atmosphere. (Eds. K. A. Emanuel and D. J. Raymond) Amer. Meteor. Soc., Meteor. Mon. 24 No. 46, 107-121.

Manabe, S., J. Smagorinsky and R. F. Strickler, 1965: Simulated climatology of a general circulation model with a hydrological cycle. Mon. Wea. Rev., 93, 769-798.

Manabe, S., and R. F. Strickler, 1964: Thermal equilibrium of the atmosphere with a convective adjustment. J. Atmos. Sci., 21, 361-385.

Mesinger F., and A. Arakawa, 1976: Numerical Methods Used in Atmospheric Models. Vol. 1, GARP Publications Series No. 17, World Meteorological Organization, 64 pp.

Reynolds, R. W., 1988: A real-time global sea surface temperature analysis, J. Clim., 1, 75-86.

Johnny Wei-Bing Lin
Mon Jun 30 12:27:46 PDT 1997