WRF simulations are performed with an aerosol-aware microphysics scheme (Thompson and Eidhammer, 2014) capable of resolving aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions in a cost-efficient way. Aerosol emissions from multiple sources (e.g., anthropogenic, fires, sea-salt, dust) are included and biomass burning smoke emissions are constrained using an inverse modeling technique and satellite-based AOD observations to improve prediction skill. The forecasts include simulations turning on and off smoke and anthropogenic emissions which allow an estimation of the aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions to be targeted by the aircraft. Also, tagged-tracers are used to assess the contribution of various sources to the aerosol load and to estimate the age of the air masses.

Instructions: Select a variable to plot and use "+" and "-" buttoms to change the plotting time. If the End time is greater than the Start time when a variable is selected, a movie will be generated.

- The tracer concentrations DO NOT represent realistic concentrations, but only a contribution from various sources.
- WFA: Water friendly aerosol. Aerosol capable of nucleating cloud droplets. Anthropogenic, biomass burning and sea-salt primary emissions are included here.
- IFA: Ice friendly aerosol. Aerosol capable of nucleating ice hydrometeors. Dust emissions are included here.
- EXT: Aerosol extinction
- DIFF: Indicates the field is obtained by taking the difference between simulations where fire emissions are ON and OFF
- NUM: Aerosol number concentration
- PM2.5: Estimate of particles less than 2.5 um in diameter mass based in WFA
- CO: Carbon monoxide
- BB: Biomass burning
NCL is used for plotting and interpolating model vertical levels to pressure levels.

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