Last Updated: 16 January 2002




Visiting Scientists and Associates


  About Tropical Meteorology and Climate
 Variability of The Asian-Australian Monsoon
 TOGA-COARE Research
 ITCZ Research
 Cumulus Momentum Transport (CMT)

 UCLA Tropical Meteorology and Climate Newsletter


Principal Investigator

Professor Michio Yanai

Research Associates

Dr. Xiaodong Liu

Research Assistants

Wen-wen Tung
Chih-Wen Hung

LEFT TO RIGHT: Wen-wen Tung, Michio Yanai, Chih-Wen Hung, Xiao-Dong Liu (February 2001)


1975 Abraham Zangvil

"Upper Tropospheric Waves in the Tropics and their Association with Clouds in the Wavenumber- Frequency Domain"
Professor, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Grion University of the Negev, Israel

1976 Steven Esbensen

"Thermodynamic Effects of Clouds in the Tradewind Planetary Boundary Layer"
Professor, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University

1976 Jan-Hwa Chu

"Vorticity in Maritime Cumulus Clouds and its Effects on the Large- Scale Budget of Vorticity in the Tropics"
Meteorologist, Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey

1984 Chung-Hsiung Sui

"Cumulus Effects on the Large-Scale Vorticity and Momentum Fields in the Tropical Atmosphere"
Physical Scientist, Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

1987 Mong-Ming Lu

"Seasonal Variations and Excitation Mechanisms of the Equatorially Trapped Waves"
Chief Research Scientist, Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan

1987 Ming-Dean Cheng

"Effects of Downdrafts and Mesoscale Convective Organization on the Heat and Moisture Budgets of Squall and Nonsquall Cloud Clusters in the Tropics"
Director of Research, Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan

1991 Victor Magana

"Tropical-Extratropical Atmospheric Intertactions"
Assistant Professor, National Autonomous University, Mexico

1992 Xiaoqing Wu

"Effects of Mesoscale Convective Organization and Vertical Wind Shear on the Cumulus-Environment Interaction"
Visiting Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

1994 Chengfeng Li

"Interannual Variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Relationship with ENSO and Eurasian Snow Cover"

1998 Baode Chen

"Tropical Intraseasonal Oscillation and Interannual Variability"
Visiting Scientist, Universities Space Research Association, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, MD

Mr. Jakko Helminen
Mr. Paul Hassig
Mr. Jack Macales
Mr. John McGinnis
Mr. Herry Harjanto
Mr. Muhamad Nazamudin

Visiting Scientists and Associates

Prof. Tsuyoshi Nitta (CCSR, University of Tokyo, deceased)
Dr. Thomas Stark
Prof. Huibang Luo (Zhongshan University, Guangzhou)
Prof. Haiyan He (Zhongshan University, Guangzhou)
Prof. Zengshan Song (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Beijing)
Dr. Tomohiko Tomita (International Pacific Research Center (IPRC),University of Hawaii at Manoa)
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 UCLA Atmospheric Sciences

This website is maintained by Wen-wen Tung

visits since 21 JUNE 2001

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