Regional Climate Dynamics Human-induced changes in Wind, Temperature and Relative Humidity during Santa Ana events We
investigated the frequency and character of human-induced
changes in Southern California¡¯s Santa Ana wind events.
This was done by comparing a 12-km-resolution WRF
downscaling of two time periods of the NCAR
CCSM global climate change scenario run, one
corresponding to the mid 21st century, and the other to the
late 20th century. It is necessary to use a
dynamical downscaling technique to examine this question:
Santa Anas do not exist in the global climate simulation
due to the fact that it does not resolve Southern California's
mountain complexes. In the WRF simulations, the
number of Santa Ana days per winter season is
approximately 20% fewer in the mid-21st century compared
to the late-20th century (see accompanying
figure). Since the only systematic and sustained
difference between these two periods is the level of
anthropogenic forcing, this effect is anthropogenic in
origin. In both time periods, Santa Ana winds
are partly katabatically-driven by a
temperature difference between the cold wintertime air
pooling in the desert against coastal mountains and
the adjacent warm air over the ocean. However,
this mechanism is significantly weaker during the
mid-21st century time period. This weakening
occurs because of the well-documented differential
warming associated with transient climate change, with
more warming in the desert interior than over the
ocean. Thus the mechanism responsible for
the decrease in Santa Ana frequency originates from a
well-known aspect of the climate response to increasing
greenhouse gases, but cannot be understood
or simulated without mesoscale atmospheric
dynamics. In addition to the change in Santa
Ana frequency, we investigated changes during Santa Anas
in two other meteorological variables known to be
relevant to fire weather conditions -- relative humidity
and temperature. We find a decrease
in the relative humidity and an increase in
temperature. Both these changes would favor
fire. A fire behavior model accounting
for changes in wind, temperature, and relative humidity
simultaneously is necessary to draw firm
conclusions about future fire risk and growth associated
with Santa Ana events. Number of days throughout the Santa season (September through March) where an index of the Santa Ana winds exceed 10 meters per second in the late 20th and mid 21st century WRF simulations. Download the paper (Hughes et. al. 2010) describing these results in more detail. Mimi
Hughes, Alex Hall, and Jinwon Kim make up the team that
performed this research. |