File name: FullSolarWindData_19900728to19911011_hourly_original.txt Solar wind data from 19900728 to 19911011 (the whole CRRES mission) Number of Records=10608 Format of data (NaN means no data available) 1 Year 2 DOY 3 Hour 4 BX, nT (GSE, GSM) 5 BY, nT (GSM) 6 BZ, nT (GSM) 7 SW Plasma Temperature, K 8 SW Proton Density, N/cm^3 9 SW Plasma Speed, km/s 10 Flow pressure, nPa 11 Electric field, mV/m 12 Plasma beta 13 Kp index 14 R (Sunspot No.) 15 Dst-index, nT 16 AE-index, nT