", num, " ", topic, "") t from finland_topics_list order by code'; $readed = mysql_query($query) or die ('' . mysql_errno($link) . ": " . mysql_error($link)); $num = mysql_num_rows($readed); $topics = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $topics .= mysql_result($readed, $i, "t"); } function writeTopics($name, $size, $other) { global $topics; print '"; } ?>

Radiation Belts Workshop
August 3 - August 6, 2008
Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

Registration form

1) First Name:
2) Last Name:
3) Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms.):
4) Affiliation:
5) Street address:
6) City:
7) State:
8) Zip code:
9) Country:
10) Email address:
11) Phone number (including country code and area code):
12) Are you planning to give a presentations? Yes No
12a) Please, provide a presentation title:
13) Comments/questions: