Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards
Michael gives plenary talk at the 7th quadrennial meeting of the
International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
ICIAM 2011
, http://www.iciam2011.com/, on
"Toward a Mathematical Theory of Climate Sensitivity."
Presentation (PDF 17Mb)
TV interview (WMV 54Mb),
SIAM News article (PDF 2Mb)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) Honorary membership
Michael's 65th birthday celebration!
Michael is named
Philip D. Thompson Lecturer
for 2007 at NCAR
Michael is elected to the Romanian Academy of Sciences (AOS-R), December 2006
Michael Ghil delivers the Lorenz Lecture at the 2005 Fall AGU Meeting
Michael Ghil gets elected to the Austrian Academy of Sciences!
Michael Ghil has been awarded the Lewis Fry Richardson
Medal of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) for 2004!
Michael gets on the HighlyCited List in the Geosciences of
the ISI Web of Knowledge.
Michael gets cover of ''New Scientist'' for his joint work with
Ferenc Varadi
and Bruce Runnegar on the
''Chaotic Heavens".
Yunyan gets best Student Paper Award at the
16th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence of the AMS
for her work "
On the diurnal cycle in a stratocumulus-topped mixed layer
" with Michael Ghil and Bjorn Stevens.
Michael is elected to the Romanian Academy of Engineering Sciences, May 2004.
Department of
Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Geophysics
and Planetary Physics
University of California
Los Angeles