QTCM Sample Figures (Version 2.1)

Version 2.0 Version 2.1 Version 2.2 Version 2.3 Observations
Many of the figures here are reproductions of those found in Zeng et al, 2000. Two cloud- radiation packages were used and are denoted by clrad0 and clrad1.


Model climatological monthly mean precipitation for the perion 1982-98; using the cloud-radiation package clrad0. (a) Jan, (b) Apr, (c) Jul, (d) Oct. Contour interval 2 mm/day, shaded above 4 mm/day. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Model climatological monthly mean precipitation for the perion 1982-98; using the cloud-radiation package clrad1. (a) Jan, (b) Apr, (c) Jul, (d) Oct. Contour interval 2 mm/day, shaded above 4 mm/day. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Model-simulated Jan fluxes using cloud-radiation package clrad0 of (a) evaporation, contour interval 20 W/m*m; (b) outgoing longwave radiation, contour interval 20 W/m*m; (c) downward net surface energy flux, contour interval 50 W/m*m. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Model-simulated Jan fluxes using cloud-radiation package clrad0 of (a) evaporation, contour interval 20 W/m*m; (b) outgoing longwave radiation, contour interval 20 W/m*m; (c) downward net surface energy flux, contour interval 50 W/m*m. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Model-simulated Jan climatological winds at (a) 850, (b) 300 mb, using cloud-radiation package clrad0, in m/s.


Model-simulated Jan climatological winds at (a) 850, (b) 300 mb, using cloud-radiation package clrad1, in m/s. (Zeng et al, 2000).


Model Jul climatology using cloud-radiation package clrad0: (a) air temperature averaged between 500 and 200mb. Not Available (N/A); (b) surface temperature (simulated ground temperature and observed SST), contour interval 5C; (c) relative soil wetness, contour interval 0.2; (d) 850 mb winds in m/s.


Model Jul climatology using cloud-radiation package clrad1: (a) air temperature averaged between 500 and 200mb, contour interval 5C; (b) surface temperature (simulated ground temperature and observed SST), contour interval 5C; (c) relative soil wetness, contour interval 0.2; (d) 850 mb winds in m/s. (Zeng et al, 2000).


Model-simulated monthly mean precipitation on the equator through the period 1982-98. Contour interval 2 mm/day. (Cloud-radiation package clrad0). (Zeng et al, 2000).


Model-simulated monthly mean precipitation on the equator through the period 1982-98. Contour interval 2 mm/day. (Cloud-radiation package clrad1).


ENSO composite precipitation differences. Three warm events (1986/87, 1991/92, 1994/95) minus three cold events (1983/84, 1988/89, 1995/96). (a) Northern winter (Dec-Feb), (b) summer (Jun-Aug). Contour interval 1 mm/day. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Dec - Feb. ENSO composite differences of surface zonal wind in m/s. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Dec-Feb ENSO composite differences of surface sind stress in N/m*m. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Model-simulated zonal wind stress on the equator from 1982-98, using cloud-radiation package 0, contour interval 0.03 N/m*m. (Zeng et al, 2000)


Model-simulated zonal wind stress on the equator from 1982-98 using cloud-radiation package 1, contour interval 0.03 N/m*m.


Correlations between Nino3 and model-simulated precipitation and surface temperature (observed SST over ocean), calculated using the monthly output for the period 1982-98.


Zonally averaged zonal wind for January using cloud-radiation package 0.


Zonally averaged zonal wind for January using cloud-radiation package 1.