Reverse engineering the tropical precipitation-buoyancy relationship

Fiaz Ahmed and J. David Neelin

J. Atmos. Sci., , accepted 02/2018.
Preprint (1.3 MB),

The tropical precipitation-moisture relationship, characterized by rapid increases in precipitation for modest increases in moisture, is conceptually recast in a framework relevant to plume buoyancy and conditional instability in the tropics. The working hypothesis in this framework links the rapid onset of precipitation to integrated buoyancy in the lower troposphere. An analytical expression that relates the buoyancy of an entraining plume to the vertical thermodynamic structure is derived. The natural variables in this framework are saturation and subsaturation equivalent potential temperatures, which capture the leading order temperature and moisture variations respectively. The use of layer averages simplifies the analytical and subsequent numerical treatment. Three distinct layers: the boundary layer, the lower-free troposphere and the mid-troposphere adequately capture the vertical variations in the thermodynamic structure. The influence of each environmental layer on the plume is assumed to occur via lateral entrainment, corresponding to an assumed mass flux profile. The fractional contribution of each layer to the mid-level plume buoyancy, i.e. the layer weight, is estimated from TRMM 3B42 precipitation and ERA-I thermodynamic profiles. The layer weights are used to "reverseengineer" a deep inflow mass flux profile that is nominally descriptive of the tropical atmosphere through the onset of deep convection. The layer weights-which are nearly the same for each of the layers-constitute an environmental influence function and are also used to compute a free tropospheric integrated buoyancy measure. This measure is shown to be an effective predictor of onset in conditionally averaged precipitation across the global tropics-over both land and ocean.

Citation: Ahmed, F. and J. D. Neelin, 2018: Reverse engineering the tropical precipitation-buoyancy relationship. J. Atmos. Sci., accepted 02/2018.

We would like to thank Kathleen Schiro, Roger Smith and two anonymous reviewers for useful feedback on this manuscript. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant AGS-1505198, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants NA14OAR4310274 and NA15OAR4310097.

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