Hank A. Dijkstra, and J. David Neelin
Dyn. Atm. Oceans, 22, 19-48, 1995.
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© Copyright 1995 by Elsevier Science B.V.
Abstract. Techniques of numerical bifurcation theory are used to study stationary and periodic solutions of an intermediate coupled model for tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction. The qualitative dynamical behavior is determined for a volume in parameter space spanned by the atmospheric damping length, the coupling parameter, the surface layer feedback strength and the relative adjustment time coefficient. Time integration methods have previously shown much interesting dynamics, including multiple steady states, eastward- or westward-propagating orbits and relaxation oscillations. The present study shows how this dynamics arises in parameter space through the interaction of the different branches of equilibrium solutions and the singularities on these branches. For example, we show that westward-propagating periodic orbits arise through an interaction of two unstable stationary modes and that relaxation oscillations occur through a limit cycle-saddle node interaction. There are several dynamical regimes in the coupled model which are determined by the primary bifurcation structure; this structure depends strongly on the parameters in the model. Although much of the dynamics may be studied in the fast-wave limit, it is shown that ocean wave dynamics introduces additional oscillatory instabilities and how these relate to propagating oscillations.
Citation. Dijkstra, H. A., and J. D. Neelin, 1995: On the attractors of an intermediate coupled equatorial ocean-atmosphere model. Dyn. Atm. Oceans, 22, 19-48.