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Model Grid


The grid-scale variables in the QTCM1 are located on a staggered C-grid [24] of dimensions tex2html_wrap_inline1932 , where the x (zonal, longitudinal) coordinate indexes from 1 to NX, and the y (meridional, latitudinal) coordinate indexes from 1 to NY. (there are certain exceptions to this description of the dimensioning, which are noted in Section 2.3.1). A schematic of the grid is given in Figure 2.1.

Figure: QTCM1 staggered C-grid. Note that j=0 only exists for v and variables dependent on v. See text in Section 2.3.1 for details.

The pair (i,j) denotes a grid point. For the standard version, tex2html_wrap_inline1820 and tex2html_wrap_inline1822 . Figure 2.1 abbreviates variables as follows:


These variables are all prognostic.

Thus, temperature is located at grid point (i,j), while zonal velocity is located at ( tex2html_wrap_inline1952 ), meridional velocity is located at ( tex2html_wrap_inline1954 ), and tex2html_wrap_inline1956 is located at ( tex2html_wrap_inline1958 ). Recall that the subscript ``0'' refers to the barotropic mode, while the subscript ``1'' refers to the baroclinic mode.

Other variables are also defined at the above locations. These include:

Located at the same position as T. Variable tex2html_wrap_inline1960 is the surface temperature, and is diagnostic, except over land where it is prognostic.

Located at the same position as T. Variable tex2html_wrap_inline1964 is the humidity, and is prognostic.

Located at the same position as vort0. Variable tex2html_wrap_inline1968 is the barotropic streamfunction, and is diagnostic.

All other model variables are diagnostic, and are centered at (i,j) on the grid.

Although the C-grid has half-step variable indices, array indices in FORTRAN do not. Thus, we have adopted the convention that all half-indices are truncated when referred to in the QTCM1 code. For example:


In all other sections of this document, array indice naming follows the FORTRAN model code convention.

Below is a portion of the file qtcm.h which contains the array declarations for the main prognostic grid variables:

c baroclinic mode
      real*8 u1(NX,NY),v1(NX,0:NY),T1(NX,NY),q1(NX,NY)

c barotropic mode V0; note only vort0 and u0bar are prognostic
      real*8 u0bar,u0(NX,NY),v0(NX,0:NY),vort0(NX,NY),psi0(NX,0:NY)

c- Boundary inputs and derived; exception: Ts overland is prognostic
      real*8 Ts(NX,NY),qs(NX,NY),Ts0(NX,NY)

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Johnny Wei-Bing Lin
Wed Aug 26 16:58:31 PDT 1998