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M. Ghil (2013) (revised, PDF file)
"A Mathematical Theory of Climate Sensitivity or,
How to Deal With Both Anthropogenic Forcing and Natural Variability",
in Climate Change: Multidecadal and Beyond, C. P. Chang, M. Ghil, M. Latif and J. M. Wallace (Eds.),
World Scientific Publ. Co./Imperial College Press, accepted.
M. Ghil (2012) (PDF file)
"Climate variability: Nonlinear and random effects,"
in Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, 2nd edition,
G.R. North, F. Zhang and J. Pyle (Eds.), Elsevier, accepted.
M. Ghil, P. Yiou, S. Hallegatte, B. D. Malamud, P. Naveau, A. Soloviev,
P. Friederichs, V. Keilis-Borok, D. Kondrashov, V. Kossobokov, O. Mestre,
C. Nicolis, H. Rust, P. Shebalin, M. Vrac, A. Witt, and I. Zaliapin (2011) (Final, PDF file)
"Extreme events: Dynamics, statistics and prediction,"
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 18, 295-350, doi:10.5194/npg-18-295-2011
Ghil, M., P. L. Read, and L.A. Smith (2010) (PDF file)
"Geophysical flows as dynamical systems:
The influence of HideŐs experiments,"
Astron. Geophys., 51(4), 4.28Đ4.35.
Ghil, M., M. D. Chekroun, and E. Simonnet (2008) (PDF file)
"Climate dynamics and fluid mechanics:
Natural variability and related uncertainties,"
Physica D, invited survey paper for Special Issue
on ``The Euler Equations: 250 Years On", Physica D, 237, 2111-2126,
doi:10.1016/j.physd.2008.03.036 , available online.
Hillerbrand, R., and M. Ghil (2008)(PDF file)
"Anthropogenic climate change: Scientific uncertainties and moral dilemmas,"
Physica D, invited paper for Special Issue
on ``The Euler Equations: 250 Years On", Physica D, 237, 2132-2138,
doi:10.1016/j.physd.2008.02.015 , available online.
E. Simonnet, H. A. Dijkstra, and M. Ghil (2009)(PDF file)
"Bifurcation analysis of ocean, atmosphere and climate models,"
in "Computational Methods for the Ocean and the Atmosphere"
(Eds., R. Temam and J. Tribbia), North-Holland, pp. 187Đ229
Ghil, M., I. Zaliapin, and B. Coluzzi (2008) (mirror in France, mirror in USA)
"Boolean delay equations: a simple way of looking at complex systems,"
Physica D, 237, 2967--2986, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physd.2008.07.006, available online.
Dijkstra, H. A., and M. Ghil (2005) (Page Proofs, PDF File).
"Low-frequency variability of the large-scale ocean circulation: A dynamical systems approach,"
Rev. Geophys., 43, RG3002, doi:10.1029/2002RG000122 (38 pp.).
Ghil, M. (2002) (PDF file of page proofs).
"Climate variability - Nonlinear aspects", in Encyclopedia
of Atmospheric Sciences ,
J. R. Holton, J. Pyle, and
J. A. Curry (Eds.), Academic Press, pp. 432-438.
Ghil, M. (2002), Final version (PDF file).
"Natural climate variability", in Encyclopedia of
Global Environmental Change,
Vol. 1 (M. MacCracken &
J. Perry, eds.), Wiley & Sons, Chichester/New York, pp. 544-549.
Ghil, M. (2001) (PDF file of Text and
"Hilbert problems for the geosciences in the 21st century", Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 8, 211-222.
Ghil, M. (2003) (Preprint, PDF file).
"Did celestial chaos kill the dinosaurs?", invited talk at the
183rd Annual General Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society,
The Observatory, 123 (No. 1177), pp. 328-333..
Ghil, M., D. Kondrashov, F. Lott, and A. W. Robertson (2004) (PDF File)
"Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Mid-Latitudes: Observations, Theory, and GCM Results."
In Proc. ECMWF/CLIVAR Workshop on Simulation and Prediction of Intra-Seasonal Variability,
Reading, U.K., 3-6 Nov. 2003, in press.
Ghil, M., and A. W. Robertson (2002) (PDF File) and (Supporting Information)
"'Waves' vs. 'particles' in the atmosphere's phase space:
A pathway to long-range forecasting?", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 99 (Suppl. 1), 2493-2500.
Ghil M., R. M. Allen, M. D. Dettinger, K. Ide, D. Kondrashov,
M. E. Mann,
A. Robertson, A. Saunders, Y. Tian, F. Varadi, and P. Yiou,
Final version (2002) (PDF File).
"Advanced spectral methods for climatic time series," Rev. Geophys.,40(1), pp. 3.1-3.41,
Ghil, M., and Robertson A.W. (2000) (PDF file)
"Solving problems with GCMs: General Circulation Models and their role in the climate modeling hierarchy." In General Circulation
Model Development: Past, Present, and Future (Arakawa Festschrift), D. Randall
(Ed.), Academic Press, pp. 285-325.
Ghil, M. (2000) (PDF file)
"The essence of data
assimilation, or Why combine data with models?"
Inaugural Lecture, in Proc. 3rd WMO Int'l Symp. Assimilation of
Observations in
Meteorology & Oceanography (QuŽbec
City, Canada, 7-11 June 1999),
WMO Tech. Doc. WMO/TD-No. 986, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1-4.
K. Ide, P. Courtier, M. Ghil and A. Lorenc (1997) (PDF file)
"Unified notation for data assimilation: Operational, sequential and variational."
J. Met. Soc. Japan, 75 (1B), 181-189
(Special Issue on Data Assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography).