Climate Sensitivity Research Lounge
Alex Hall

Alex Hall
310-206-5257 (lab)
7955 Math Sciences Bldg


Research interests: Climate modeling, global climate change, regional climate
Hobbies: Swimming, yoga, piano, cooking
Anthony DeAngelis

Anthony DeAngelis
Postdoctoral Researcher
7343 Math Sciences Building


Research interests: Global and regional climate change, precipitation and hydrologic cycle, extreme events
Hobbies: Running, video/board/card games, TV, spending time with family and friends
Favorite board game: RoboRally

Jerry H.-Y. Huang
Project Scientist
7343 Math Sciences Building


Research interests: Surface hydrology, land-atmosphere interactions, turbulence, high performance computation
Hobbies: Sleep, baseball, basketball
Favorite board game: Chess
Alexandre Jousse

Alexandre Jousse
Postdoctoral Researcher
7221 Math Sciences Building


Research interests:  Climate dynamics
Hobbies: Surfing, swimming, hiking, rugby, music
Favorite board game:  Chess
Favorite Song: Singing (Bugge Wesseltoft)
Xin Qu

Xin Qu
Assistant Researcher
7343 Math Sciences Building

Research interests: Climate dynamics, climate sensitivity, sea ice and snow albedo feedback
Hobbies: Playing badminton, watching TV
Favorite Hollywood movie: Godfather

Marla Schwartz
Graduate Student
7229 Math Sciences Building


Research interests: Regional climate, hydroclimatology
Hobbies: Camping, traveling, swimming, and cycling
Favorite color: Forest green
Favorite board game:  Monopoly
Fengpeng Sun

Fengpeng Sun
Assistant Researcher
7343 Math Sciences Building

Personal Website

Research interests: Global and regional climate change, boundary layer clouds, air-sea interactions
Hobbies: Tennis, soccer, watching football
Favorite Hollywood movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite musician: Paul Simon
Favorite board game: Rummikub
Daniel Walton

Daniel Walton
Postdoctoral Researcher
7229 Math Sciences Building

Research interests: Regional climate modeling, climate feedbacks, statistics
Hobbies: Ultimate frisbee, board games
Favorite board game: Puerto Rico, Settlers of Catan

Past Members:

Neil Berg
Julien Boe
Florent Brient Scott Capps
Misti Hiltner Mimi Hughes
Sarah Kapnick Greg Masi
Rachel McCrary Brian Medeiros
Gretchen Mullendore Tamlin Pavelsky
Joseph Spahr

Any of the above people can be reached by e-mail by clicking on their names or by mail through the following address:
UCLA Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Box 951565
Los Angeles, CA 90095

The fax number for the group is:

Finding us:
UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Directions to UCLA and campus map