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In the tropical Pacific, the interaction leads to the well-known El Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, whose behavior exhibits both regular and irregular aspects. We study this highly nonlinear atmosphere-ocean system in terms of observations, theories, and models; estimate the coupling parameters; and carry out experimental forecasts.
For more details of the phenomenon, please see
NOAA El Niño Theme page.
TCD Members:
M. Ghil, D. Kondrashov, S. Kravtsov.
Collaborator at
J.D. Neelin.
Climate Research Committee (E. J. Barron, D. S. Battisti, B. A.
Boville, K. Bryan, G. F. Carrier, R. D. Cess, R. E. Davis, M. Ghil, M. M.
Hall, T. R. Karl, J. T. Kiehl, D. G. Martinson, C. L. Parkinson, B.
Saltzman, R. P. Turco), 1994: Global Ocean-Atmosphere-
Land System (GOALS) for Predicting Seasonal-to-Interannual
Climate, National
Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 103 pp.
Ghil, M. and N. Jiang, 1998:
Recent forecast skill for the El Niño/Southern Oscillation.
Geophy. Rev. Lett.,
25, 171-174.
Ghil, M., and A. W. Robertson, 2000: Solving problems with GCMs:
General circulation models and their role in the climate modeling hierarchy.
General Circulation Model Development: Past, Present and Future,
D. Randall (Ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 285-325.
Hao, Z., and M. Ghil, 1994: Data assimilation in a simple tropical
ocean model with wind-stress errors, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24,
Hao, Z., and M. Ghil, 1995: Sequential parameter estimation for a coupled
ocean-atmosphere model. In Proc. 2nd WMO Int'l Symp. on Assim. of Obs.
in Meteor. & Oceanogr., Tokyo, March 1995, WMO/TD-No. 651,
PWPR Report Series No. 5, WMO Geneva, Switzerland, Vol. I, pp. 181-186.
Jiang, N., D. Neelin and M. Ghil, 1995: Quasi-quadrennial and
quasi-biennial variability in the equatorial Pacific. Clim. Dyn., 12,
Jiang, N., M. Ghil and D. Neelin, 1995-1997: Forecasts of Nino-3 SST
anomalies and SOI based on singular spectrum analysis combined with
the maximum entropy method. Experimental Long-Lead Forecast
Bulletin , Vol. 4, No. 4, 42-43, to Vol. 6, Nos. 1 & 2, National
Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA, U.S. Department of
Jin, F.-f., and J. D. Neelin, 1993: Modes of interannual tropical
ocean-atmosphere interaction - a unified view.
Part I: numerical results. J. Atmos. Sci.,
50, 3477-3503.
Jin, F.-f., J. D. Neelin and M. Ghil, 1994: El Niño on the
Devil's Staircase: Annual subharmonic steps to chaos, Science,
264, 70-72.
Jin, F.-F., J. D. Neelin, and M. Ghil, 1996:
El Niño/Southern Oscillation and the
annual cycle: Subharmonic frequency-locking and aperiodicity. Physica
D, 98, 442-465.
Keppenne, C. L. and M. Ghil, 1992-1995: Forecasts of the Southern
Oscillation Index Using Singular Spectrum Analysis and the Maximum Entropy
Method. Experimental Long-Lead Forecast Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4,
Vol. 2, Nos. 1-4, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4, and Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2, National
Meteorological Center, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Kondrashov, D., M. Ghil, and D. Neelin, 2002-present: Forecasts of
Nino-3 SST anomalies and SOI based on singular spectrum analysis
combined with the maximum entropy method, Experimental Long-Lead
Forecast Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. xx-yy; quarterly issues
published also electronically, http://grads.iges.org/ellfb.
Neelin, J. D. and F.-f. Jin, 1993: Modes of interannual tropical
ocean-atmosphere interaction - a unified view.
Part II: Analytical results in the weak-coupling limit.
J. Atmos. Sci.,
50, 3504-3522.
Neelin, J. D., M. Latif, and F.-f. Jin, 1994:
Dynamics of coupled ocean-atmosphere models: the tropical
problem. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
26, 617-659.
Neelin, J. D., M. Latif, M. A. F. Allaart, M. A. Cane, U. Cubasch, W.
L. Gates, P. R. Gent, M. Ghil, C. Gordon, N. C. Lau, C. R. Mechoso, G. A.
Meehl, J. M. Oberhuber, S. G. H. Philander, P. S. Schopf, K. R. Sperber, A.
Sterl, T. Tokioka, J. Tribbia, and S. E. Zebiak, 1992: Tropical air-sea
interaction in general circulation models, Climate Dyn., 7,
Philander, S. G. H., 1990:
El Niño, La Niña and the Southern Oscillation.
Academic Press, San Diego, 293 pp.
Robertson, A. W., C.-C. Ma, C. R. Mechoso, and M. Ghil, 1995a:
Simulation of the Tropical-Pacific climate with a coupled ocean-atmosphere
general circulation model. Part I: The seasonal cycle, J. Climate,
8, 1178-1198.
Robertson, A. W., C.-C. Ma, M. Ghil, and C. R. Mechoso, 1995b:
Simulation of the Tropical-Pacific climate with a coupled ocean-atmosphere
general circulation model. Part II: Interannual variability, J.
Climate, 8, 1199-1216.
Saunders, A., M. Ghil, and D. Neelin, 1997-2001: Forecasts of Niño
SST anomalies and SOI based on singular spectrum analysis combined
with the maximum entropy method, Experimental Long-Lead Forecast
Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 43-44; subsequent quarterly issues
published also electronically, http://grads.iges.org/ellfb.
Sun, C., Z. Hao, M. Ghil, and J. D. Neelin, 2002: Data assimilation
for a coupled
ocean-atmosphere model. Part I: Sequential state estimation, Mon. Wea. Rev.,
130, 1073-1099.
Unal, Y. S., and M. Ghil, 1995: Interannual and interdecadal
oscillation patterns in sea level, Climate Dyn., 11,