Selected Group Talks and Presentations

  • Global Warming:
  • UCLA_prec_glbwrm_9_11.pdf (7.6MB)
    Title: Challenges of predicting rainfall changes under global warming: back to fundamentals
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, K. Hales, B. Langenbrunner, J. E. Meyerson, S. Sahany, B. Lintner, R. Neale, O. Peters, C. E. Holloway, M. Munnich, H. Su, C. Chou, J. McWilliams, A. Bracco, H. Luo
    Last Updated: 10/2011

    4ARPrec_Ptrans_msri.ppt (7.6MB)
    Title: The transition to strong convection ¦global warming tropical rainfall changes
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, O. Peters, M. Munnich, C. Chou, C. Holloway, K. Hales, J. Meyerson, H. Su
    Last Updated: 4/2007

    glbwrm_06_igpp.pdf (5.6MB)
    Title: Tropical precipitation change under global warming
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, C. Chou, M. Munnich, H. Su, J. Meyerson, C. Holloway, U. Lohmann, and J. Feichter
    Last Updated: 5/2006

    glbwrm_aerosol.pdf (2.6MB)
    Title: Tropical regional rainfall impacts under anthropogenic climate change Author(s): J. David Neelin, C. Chou, H. Su, J. Meyerson, U. Lohmann, and J. Feichter
    Last Updated: 01/2005

  • ENSO Processes and Teleconnections:
  • telesam_and_overview (4MB)
    Title: Moist teleconnetion mechanisms
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Hui Su Last Updated: 12/2004

    telecon_glbwrm.pdf (3.4MB)
    Title: Tropical Regional Precipitation Aanomalies: Global warming and El Niño cases
    Alternate Title: Moist Dynamical Feedbacks In Tropical Climate Sensitivity: ENSO vs. Global warming
    Alternate Title: Tropical Precipitation Anomalies: ENSO Teleconnections vs. Global Warming
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, Hui Su and Chia Chou
    Last Updated: 1/2004

    lagtemp.ppt (3.5MB)
    Title: On the Delayed Atmospheric Response to ENSO SST
    Author(s): Hui Su, J. David Neelin and Joyce Meyerson
    Last Updated: 2/2003

    ensoteleconn.pdf (559KB)
    Title: ENSO teleconnections
    Author(s): J. David Neelin
    Last Updated: 11/2002

    nsipp02.pdf (2.1MB)
    Title: ENSO Teleconnections to Land Regions in Precipitation, etc.
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, Hui Su, Matthius Munnich and Katrina Hales
    Last Updated: 9/2002

    teleconn.pdf (2.3MB)
    Title: Teleconnections and ENSO - the tropical problem (with implications for midlatitudes)
    Alternate Title: What was simple about the tropics? Dynamics underlying recent success in interannual climate prediction
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, with Hui Su, Ning Zeng, and Chia Chou
    Last Updated: 5/2002

    ENSOReview.pdf (615KB)
    Title: Simple atmospheric models used in ENSO studies
    Author(s): J. David Neelin
    Last Updated: 6/2001

  • Stochastic Convection:
  • Ptrans_IGPP07.ppt (4.1)
    Title: The transition to strong convection
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, O. Peters, C. Holloway, K. Hales, and S. Nesbitt
    AGU Fall meeting 2006, Mon Dec 11, 2006; 13:45 Session OS13E paper 01 Last Updated: 02/2007

    stoch-conv.pdf (Full presentation 3.5MB)
    Title: Stochastic "deep" convective parameterization
    Alternate Title: Stochastic deep convective parameterization & global warming drought mechanisms
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Johnny W.-B. Lin
    Last Updated: 10/2003

    BoulderStoch1hr.pdf (2.8MB)
    Title: Stochastic "deep" convective parameterization
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Johnny W.-B. Lin
    Last Updated: 5/2003

    IGPPdisc3703.pdf (1.3MB)
    Title: No Title (Related to stochastic convection talks)
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Johnny W.-B. Lin
    Last Updated: 3/2003

  • Atlantic Processes:
  • ams04-atlantic.ppt (5.6MB)
    Title: Mechanisms of land rainfall anomalies associated with tropical Atlantic variability
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Hui Su
    Last Updated: 1/2004

    atlantic.pdf (1.5MB)
    Title: Land Surface Feedbacks Related to Atlantic Variability
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, with Ning Zeng, Chia Chou and Hui Su
    Last Updated: 9/2002

  • Monsoon Processes:
  • monsoontalk.pdf (Full presentation (4.5MB))
    Title: Mechanisms limiting the poleward extent of summer monsoon convective zones
    Alternate Title: Dynamics of summer monsoon convective zones
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Chia Chou
    Last Updated: 1/2004

    monsoon_Afr_talk.pdf (2.6MB)
    Title: Dynamical versus Land-Surface Factors in the African Monsoon
    Author(s): J. David Neelin with Chia Chou, Hui SU and Ning Zeng
    Last Updated: 4/2003

  • Sea Surface Temperature Effects:
  • tropprec.pdf (3.2MB)
    Title:The Paradox of Tropical-Averaged Precipitation Anomalies
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Hui Su
    Last Updated: 9/2003

    troptemp.pdf (3.5MB)
    Title: Tropical Tropospheric Temperature-response to Sea Surface Temperature
    Alternate Title: Sensitivity of Tropical Tropospheric Temperature to Sea Surface Temperature Forcing
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, Hui Su and Joyce Meyerson
    Last Updated: 9/2002

    convthresh.pdf (798KB)
    Title: On the Threshold Sea Surface Temperature for Onset of Convection
    Author(s): J. David Neelin, Hui Su and Joyce Meyerson
    Last Updated: 4/2002

  • Land/Vegetation Processes:
  • laisens.ppt (2.1MB)
    Title: Sensitivity of Tropical Land Climate to Leaf Area Index: Role of Surface Conductance versus Albedo
    Author(s): Katrina Hales, J. David Neelin and Ning Zeng
    Last Updated: 1/2004

    telesam.pdf (824KB)
    Title: Teleconnections in Tropical Convection Zones: Convection-Land-Radiative Feedbacks in the 1997 Amazon Drought
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Hui Su
    Last Updated: 7/2003

  • Misc.:
  • moistrev_CalTec.pdf (6.1MB)
    Title: Moist dynamics of tropical convection zones in monsoons, teleconnections and global warming
    Author: J. David Neelin
    Collaborators: C. Chou, H. Su, K. Hales, C. Holloway
    Last Updated: 03/2006
    qtcm_eqns.pdf (157KB)
    Title: QTCM Equations
    Last Updated: 2/2002

    stoch-conv.ppt.gz (full presentation 11.5MB)
    Title: Stochastic "deep" convective parameterization
    Alternate Title: Stochastic deep convective parameterization & global warming drought mechanisms
    Author(s): J. David Neelin and Johnny W.-B. Lin
    Last Updated: 10/2003
      Animations associated with stoch-conv presentation:
      NCookVis (860KB)
      Title North Cook Islands Vis. Satellite. (Part of Stochconv presentation)
      TRMM-3B42RT animation. (Part of Stochconv presentation 1.4MB)